Well… I was a barista for almost 6 years of my life. 1,5 years of which I spend in a busy specialty coffee shop in south west London. Story Coffee. Lovely place btw. So, if you’re gonna be in London, please visit. So, I was working on Kees Van der Westen coffee machine called Spirit. Super stability. You can control each group separately. Water temperature, pressure etc. Great stuff. That machine costs around 12000-15000£ depending on the extras you want. Grinders. Mythos Clima Pro 1 at cost around 1500-2000 £ depending where you buy. Mahlkonig EK43 at price 2350£. Puqpress - automatic coffee tamper at price around 800£. I don’t wanna bore you with prices, just give you an idea of how much hi-end coffee equipment costs. Everything is expensive because everything provides quality, stability, efficiency.
Yet… one slow afternoon I was making coffee and watched water dripping on side of the basket. Not through my coffee. Probably gasket, right? Usually yes. But I changed gaskets regularly. This was different. I’ve inspected the basket (VST btw) and realised that the edges of the basket are flattened from banging that poor basket on the knock box.
A thought… came through my mind. Why? Why every other coffee equipment is improving year by year. But all of us coffee makers keep banging a pipe to remove extracted coffee? Not only making a lot of noise but damaging the coffee basket, hurting our wrists. I started to think if I could design a simple device to help. I started sketching and thinking, even came up with the name QuinSpin, but nothing else. I got a better job. Everyday life took me away from my idea. That was over 4 years ago.
2… years later. I wanted to change my life. I’ve set my mind to focus on a business. I wanted to be my own boss. Create stuff. And in the future…change the future. I was tired of the way I lived. Where life orbits around your work. I wanted a business that could make my life mobile and more creative. I opened the notebook with my sketches. And started to sketch more. I was asking my friends if they knew someone who could convert my sketches into 3D designs, so I can print them and check it. I found a 3D printing company. And hired their designer.
First…drill head prototype I’ve received in October 2018. It did the job. But I also understood that one drill head is not gonna be enough. There’s always gonna be some coffee particules left. That’s when I decided that QuinSpin is gonna have a drill head and a brush head.